★Yes Movies★ Movie Stream Contagion
Directors=Steven Soderbergh
casts=Jude Law, Kate Winslet
United Arab Emirates, USA
7,3 of 10
Underrated. One of Soderbergh's direction with Burns' screenplay make a perfect combination.
LIGMA: The Movie. Well done! I would have liked this to go on a bit longer. really insightful. Back in the late 60's Romero wrote and directed a classic called Night Of Living Dead (1968) the first of his so known "Dead Hexology. Romero also stated during the decades that his movies aren't just movies about zombies and that he doesn't make "zombie" movies just because people want them, but he does make them when he feels that something needs to be said. That's why his movies has a lot of heavy disguised political connotations because he always believed and tried to alert people that government may be responsible for most of human diseases. And what he tell us about "disease" isn't just caused by virus or bacteria, but by everything that surround us and make us sick, including each others.
My teacher showed us this movie as an example of how the world would react to a outbreak like this. &how keeping clean and sanitize was very important, and etc. It's been so many years I don't remember the details. Is this the new l4d rip off. I remember watching this in my biology class during freshman year and freaking out after I watched it. Love this album. Saw this in theaters when I was 10, got sick the next day hahaha. This is the most divided comment section i've ever seen. Gonna watch this is in school😂👌🏼.
When someone eats Amir's chicken nuggets. Muse is the best arena rock band since the turn of the century. They have to carry water for a lot of people. And as a result expectations are always unrealistically high for new releases. Dig down and Thought Contagion are Singles. Singles get radio play. Radio play gets people to come to the concert. The concert is where they hit us with the epic album cuts that are Not radio friendly. So relax, be patient, Muse will deliver. They always do. At the beginning the arcade game was call “Dig Down.” The when it was revealed he was in that game it was then called “Thought Contagion” Conclusion: Dig Down is a simulation within Thought Contagion. which is also a simulation. in Simulation Theory...
When they played this in Singapore for the F1, man the hype I felt was real could of driven a race car in Marina Bay. I feel like Ive heard this song before, but its new. WB is really good in making both action and comedy movies... Why do I feel cyberpunk 2077 was based on this video. Dang it! I wanted this to be longer! Loved this. I've been studying the Hendra virus - cousin to the Nipah, but with a higher mortality rate. Utterly fascinating. Can't wait to be a qualified Virologist. I hope I'm good enough to work with Nipah one day :O. I want one of those gas masks.